Page 60 - Livre électronique du congrès national de pneumologie 2022
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Spirometry and  body plethysmography (BP) were      performed before and after BD. Proximal obstructive
            performed before and after BD. Proximal obstructive   defect (POD) was defined by FEV1/forced vital
            defect  (POD) was  defined  by  FEV1/  forced  vital   capacity (FVC) <Lower limit of normal. Significant BDR
            capacity (FVC) < Lower  limit of normal. Significant   was established according three definitions of: the
            bronchodilator   responsiveness    (BDR)   was      AE21, the ATS/ERS 2005 (AE05) (increase of FEV1 or FVC
            established according the definition of the GINA    by 200 ml and 12% of the initial value) and the GINA
            2021 (G21) (increase of FEV1 by 12 % of the predicted   2021 (G21) (increase of FEV1 by 12% of the predicted
            value). LH was detected if the residual volume (RV) >   value).For statistical purpose, we have used the SPSS
            upper limit of normal. DLH was defined by a         20. A p<0.05 was significant.
            decrease of RV more than 10 % after BD. For statistical
            purpose, we have used the SPSS 20. A p < 0.05 was   RESULTS:
            significant.                                        Among 200 included children (130 M/70F), 74.5% had
            RESULTS:  One hundred eighty children (117 M/63F)   a POD.  The median age was of 9.5 years. In  the all
            were included.  The mean age was 10 years (±2,57).   population, the percentage of BDR by AE21 was 36%
                                                                significantly higher than those of AE05 (35%) and G21
            The percentage of POD and LH were respectively      (24.5%)  (p<0.05).These percentages were higher
            76.1 % and 67.8 % of children. LH was dynamic in 47.2   among children with POD respectively 45% by AE21,
            %. There was no significant association between     45%  by  AE05  and  31%  by  G21  (P<0.05).  The  Cohen
            DLH and BDR in asthmatic children. 76.5% (N=65)  of   Kappa test has shown a k value of 0.803, 0.732 and
            patients with DHL had no presented significant BDR
            while 53.5 % of patients with BDR hadn’t DLH.       0.681 respectively between AE21 and AE05, A21 and
                                                                G21 and finally AE05 and G21.
            CONCLUSION :   The DLH has a clinical and
            therapeutic implication but doesn’t confirm the     CONCLUSION :
            asthma diagnosis in children.                       The BDR assessment depends on the scholarly

            P21. EVALUATION OF THE CLINICAL IMPACT              society. The AE21 definition provides a significantly
                                                                higher BDR rate than AE05 and G21 ones. Prospective
            OF THE REVISED BRONCHODILATOR                       randomized studies would help standardize the

            RESPONSIVENESS OF THE ATS/ERS 2021 ON               interpretation of BDR in children.

            ASTHMATIC CHILDREN                                  P22.  IMPACT DE L’HYPEREOSINOPHILIE
                                                                SANGUINE SUR LA SEVERITE ET LE CONTROLE DE LA
             Fatma ELLEUCH , Rim KAMMOUN, Fatma Zahra SIDINA,  Leila
             TRIKI , Kaouthar MASMOUDI                          MALADIE ASTHMATIQUE.

            Service  d'exploration fonctionnelle  -  CHU Habib   Elfidha S ; Habouria C ; Belloumi N ; bachouch I ; Bejaoui T ;
            BOURGUIBA - Sfax                                    Jelassi W ; Chermiti F ; Fenniche S

            INTRODUCTION :                                      SERVICE DE PNEUMOLOGIE  PAVILLON  4,  HOPITAL  ABDERRAHMEN
                                                                MAMI, ARIANA TUNISIE
            The ATS/ERS 2021 (AE21) proposed a new definition
            of the bronchodilator (BD) responsiveness (BDR)
            basing on the increase of the forced expiratory     INTRODUCTION :
            volume in 1 second (FEV 1) over 10% of the predicted   L'éosinophilie sanguine, déterminant majeur de la
            value.                                              réaction inflammatoire de la maladie asthmatique,

            OBJECTIVES  :  To assess  whether the AE21 BDR      est utilisée comme un biomarqueur intéressant pour
            definition is valid or not in asthmatic children.    identifier un phénotype particulier d’asthme.
            METHODS  :  We  have conducted a  retrospective     OBJECTIF :
            study, involving asthmatic children in the Physiology   Étudier l’impact de l’hyperéosinophilie sanguine sur
            and functional exploration department of  Habib     la sévérité et le contrôle de la maladie asthmatique.
            Bourguiba hospital of Sfax.  Spirometry  was

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