Page 89 - Livre électronique du congrès national de pneumologie 2022
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RESULTS :                                           CONCLUSION :
            We included 69 patients among which (59 men         Our study shows the negative impact the  SARS2
            (85.5%) and 10 women (14.5%)) ; with a mean age of   COVID Pandemic on the Tuberculosis management
            (42 years) and a sex-ratio of (5.9).Then ,we divided   in our high-endemic countries with worse outcomes
            them in 2 groups according to the outbreak of the   and more complications. We do underline the
            COVID Pandemic : (G1 :35 patients (29 men (82.9%),6   efficiency of the TBC control strategies in our
            women  (17.1%))  ;G2  :  34  patients  (30  men  (88.2%),4   country. Further studies are required to highlight the
            women (11.8%)) ; with a mean age of (39) years in G1 vs   interaction between these two endemic diseases.
            (45) years in G2 (p=0.219).
                                                                P65. DOES GENDER DIFFERENCE SERVE  AS  A
            As regards with the lifestyle, the smoking rate was
            about (75.4%). Job exposure was reported in (31.9%).   BIOMARKER OF SEVERITY OF THE SARS-2 COVID
            Besides, (36.2%) have received the SARS2  COVID     INFECTION ?
            vaccine ; with a full dose in (34.8%).
                                                                SAIDANE A, Daboussi S, Mhamdi S, Bahri K, Mejri I, Aichaouia
            Tuberculosis was pulmonary in (52 cases) (89.7%),   C, Moatameri Z,  Khadhraoui M
            pleural in (4 cases) (6.9%), ganglionar in (1 case) (1.7%)
            and peritoneal in (1 case) (1.7%) in our study group.   SERVICE  DE  PNEUMOLOGIE,  HOPITAL  MILITAIRE  PRINCIPAL
                                                                D'INSTRUCTION DE TUNIS
            Besides, the BK bacilli was isolated in the sputum in
            (42 cases) (63.6%), bronchial liquid in (7 cases) (10.6%),
            PCR sample (5 cases) (7.6%) and thanks to a pleural   INTRODUCTION :
            biopsy in (10 cases) (15.2%) .                      After the outbreak of the new Pandemic of COVID 19,

            We noticed that the radiological lesions were more   the trend is to seek for a Gender-disaggragated
            extended in G2 (19 cases (55.9%) vs (6 cases (17.1%) in   data, to understand the biology of the disease and
            G1 (p=0.001). The mean delay of the TBC treatment   assess the appropriate treatment.
            onset  was  not  different  between  both  groups   Gender Differences are likely due to a Behavioural
            (p=0.887). However, the complications were more     ,Genetic and Hormonal gap between them ,as well
            common among the second group ((9 cases (26.5%)     as distinct biological pathways related to SRAS2 –
            vs (2  cases  (5.7%) (p=0.021). In fact, the patients   COVID virus. Some studies have suggested worse
            included in G2 presented more bronchial dilation (1   outcomes among men affected with COVID.
            cases (2.9%) vs 0 cases in G1 (p=0.321) ; more pleural   However,the results remain controversial between
            thickening ((8 cases (23.5%) in G2 vs (3 cases (8.6%) in   countries.
            G1 (p=0.065) and more TBC recurrence (1 cases (2.9%)
            in G2 vs 0 cases in G1 (p=0.321).                   AIM OF THE WORK :
            During the follow-up, TBC treatment interruption was   We aimed to elucidate the  impact of Gender
            more common among the patients of the G2 (29.4%     difference on the severity of the disesase.
            vs 17.1%)  (p=0.231). The main reasons of treatment   METHODS :
            interruption  reported in  our study  group  were  :
            Treatment toxicity (14.3% in G2 vs 5.9% in G1),     143  patients  affected  with  COVID,  admitted  in  our
            problem of access to medical care (2.9%  in G1),    hospital ,from September 2020 to January 2021 ,were
            SARS2 COVID Pandemic lockdown (2.9%  in G2)         included.Each patient was subjected to clinical
            (2.9% in G2) (2.9% in G2) and lack of motivation (2.9%   examination,blood samples,RNA-PCR sampling,an
            in G2).                                             electrocardiogram and a CT-Chest-Scan.

            Concerning the outcomes, we have noticed more       We assessed the clinical, biological and
            deaths (2.9% in G2 vs 0 cases in G1(p=0.321)) and more   radiological findings during the follow-up.
            lost of view patients (20.6% in G2 vs 5.7% (p=0.075) in
            G1) after the SARS2 COVID Pandemic among the TBC
            infected patients.

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