Page 19 - Livre électronique du congrès national de pneumologie 2022
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Research Council (mMRC) dyspnoea scale. A
             MODÉRATEURS                                        telephone interview assessment of quality of

             I. BACHOUCH – S. BELHADJ - L. MASMOUDI             life and personality traits was conducted using
                                                                Arabic versions of the CAT  questionnaire and
                                                                the Hospital Anxiety  and Depression scale
             C01.  MULTIDIMENSIONAL FRAILTY IN  MALE            (HAD) in order to assess the psychological
             PATIENTS WITH COPD                                 frailty. Sociodemographic information, clinical

             Jelassi.W1, Habouria.C1, Belloumi.N1, Bechouch.I1, Bejaoui.T1,   and radiological features as well as blood test
             Elfidha.S1,  Chermiti.F1, Fenniche.S1              results were collected from medical records.

                                                                Our study included 80 patients, all male. The
            INTRODUCTION:                                       mean age was 65,72  ±  9,73 years. The mean
                                                                body mass index (BMI) was 22,02  ±  5,1
            Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)        Kg/m2.The mean deficit frailty accumulation
            is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases       index score (DFAIS) was 0,34 ± 0,27. Overall, 44
            among smoking persons worldwide. Frailty is a       (55%) of patients were considered frail.
            state of increased vulnerability that has a         Individuals who were frail were significantly
            significant risk of unfavorable outcomes such as    more likely to be readmitted for AECOPD within
            increased    dependency       and/or    death,      180 days (  65,9% versus 34,1%, p=0,04) . After
            however little is known about frailty in people     adjusting for age and relevant disease-related
            with  chronic obstructive pulmonary disease         factors in a final multivariate model, frailty was
            (COPD).                                             found to be an independent risk factor for
                                                                readmission for AECOPD  (OR=1,15 ; 95%
                                                                confidence interval: 0,99-2,38 ). The absence of
            To explore multidimensional frailty as a severity   family support, anxiety and depression,
            indicator  and predictor of exacerbation in         cachexia, number of hospitalizations for an
            COPD patients.                                      AECOPD in the previous year and  length of stay
                                                                were also significant in this statistical model
            METHODS:                                            regardless of age. Remarkably, frailty improved

            We conducted a cross-sectional study in a           the predictive accuracy of readmission by
            cohort of consenting patients followed for          improving the area under the receiver operator
            confirmed COPD with a history of acute              curve (AUC).
            exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) at the                CONCLUSION:
            pulmonology Department Pavilion IV in the
            pulmonology hospital Abderrahman Mami,              This study highlights that multidimensional frailty
            between January and september  2022. Frailty        predicts the risk of early hospital readmission in
            was assessed in this patients outside  of an        patients hospitalized for AECOPD. Frailty
            exacerbation, using Fried's frailty index           improve accuracy to distinguish which patients
            classifying patients as frail, pre-frail and non-frail.   are at high risk of readmission, which may allow
            Disease    severity   was    assessed    using      high-risk patients to be identified at the time of
            spirometry, the improved ABCD assessment            hospitalization.
            tool according to the latest Global Initiative on
            Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2022
            recommendations,  and the modified Medical

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