Page 124 - Livre électronique du congrès national de pneumologie 2022
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patient a eu une bi lobectomie et un autre patient a   department, Pavilion IV of Abderahman Mami
            eu une pneumonectomie. En revanche, tous les        pulmonology hospital, from 2014 to 2022. The gene
            patients ont bénéficié d’un curage ganglionnaire.   mutation research was performed on   histological
            Quatre patients (45,5% des cas) ont bénéficié de    materiel of bronchial biopsy in patients with NSCLC.
            chimiothérapie néoadjuvante, un seul patient a eu   Sociodemographic     information,  clinical  and
            une  chimiothérapie  adjuvante  et  18,2%  ont  eu  une   radiological features as well as blood test  results
            radiothérapie curative. Trois patients étaient perdus   were collected from medical records.
            de vue après six mois du traitement chirurgical et
            pour le reste des patients, aucun décès n’a été noté   RESULTS:
            pendant la durée de suivi (49 ± 69 mois).           Mutation research was performed for 13 patients.

            CONCLUSION :                                        Sex ratio was 1:5. The mean age was 57±13,07 years.
                                                                Ten patients with stage IV of adenocarcinoma had
            Le profil épidémiologique et clinique des KBP       molecular alterations. Epidermal growth  factor
            opérables  est  celui  d’un  patient  de  la  soixantaine   receptor (EGFR) mutation  was  found   in 6 patients.
            tabagique, ayant des symptômes exclusivement        Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) translocation was
            respiratoires le ramenant à consulter précocement.   found in 3 patients. Proto-oncogene tyrosine-
            La prise en charge thérapeutique rapide permet      protein kinase-1 (ROS-1) rearrangement was found in 1
            d’améliorer le pronostic vital de ces patients.     patient. All of the patients underwent chemotherapy
                                                                followed by targeted therapy. Five patients have
             P114. TARGETED THERAPY FOR NON-SMALL               received Erlotinib ,two patients have received
             CELL LUNG CARCINOMA : WHERE ARE WE?                Osimertinib and four patients have received
                                                                Crizotinib. The mean time to diagnose  gene
             Jelassi.W1, Habouria.C1, Belloumi.N1, Bechouch.I1, Bejaoui.T1,   mutation was 133,44 ± 123,39 days. The mean time to
             Elfidha.S1,  Chermiti.F1, Fenniche.S1              start targeted therapy was 50,89  ±  53,87 days. Six
                                                                patients had adverse effects. The most common
             HOSPITAL ABDERRAHMAN MAMI, ARIANA, TUNISIA         adverse   effects  were    gastrointestinal  and
                                                                cutaneous effects.  One patient was diagnosed with

            INTRODUCTION:                                       retinal  detachment induced by Crizotinib, an ALK-
                                                                tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Tumor progression after
            The prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)   targeted therapy was found in three patients. The
            has  improved  dramatically  since  the  discovery  of   mean time to tumor progression was 3,89  ±  4,95
            oncogenic molecular alterations that can be         months. The mean overall survival was 17,37  ±  9,40
            targeted by specific therapies such as tyrosine     months. The mean progression free survival was 9,60
            kinase inhibitors (TKI). Targeted therapy has become   ± 10,75 months.
            the key to improving overall survival while
            decreasing the adverse effects of cancer treatment.   CONCLUSION:
            However, in Tunisia, access to these innovative     This experience highlights the efficacity of targeted
            therapies remains limited due to their high cost and   therapy for providing clinical benefit  in patients
            lack of access to reimbursement by health insurance   with adenocarcinoma   and    an    improved
            companies.                                          progression-free survival and overall survival.

            To describe our real-world experience of using
            targeted therapy  to  treat  patients with  a  mutant
            adenocarcinoma of the lung.

            We  restrospectively  screened  2442  patients  with
            confirmed lung carcinoma in the pulmonology

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